Grant programs: Ensure trustworthy grantees behind promising projects

Grant programs: Ensure trustworthy grantees behind promising projects

Dec 29, 2021

Grant programs web3 KYC KYB
Grant programs web3 KYC KYB

Web3 networks often carry out grant programs to give opportunities to aspiring software development and projects that contribute to the growth of the project’s ecosystem. However, evaluating appropriate grantees are critical processes to ensure that applicants can take advantage of these opportunities.

The Challenge

Reliable ideas don’t always have reliable people behind them

Choosing the most promising proposals is the goal of any grant program. But to proceed with funding, the credibility of the applicants themselves is key. Regulations are constantly changing and in order to stay compliant, networks need to know who is behind the projects. In the same way, this ensures your project looks legitimate and trustworthy.

The Solution

Ensure trustworthy grantees with KYC and KYB

Complying to regulations is key to providing seamless services. Which is why networks require individuals or companies who wish to apply for a grant to do KYC and KYB verification. The identification process ensures that networks can prove that their investors are not associated with money laundering and other acts of terrorism.

Our Achievements

  • 450+ projects verified

  • 95% verification reliability rate

  • 20s instant verification

KYC & KYB with Synaps

Projects chose Synaps because of its ability to customize verification flows, and effectively detect forgeries, as well as its extensive experience in KYB verification. The fully integrated solutions provide their grantees with a seamless onboarding process and helps eliminate manual work and errors.

Synaps’ KYC/KYB solutions are right for you if you are looking for:

  • Compliance: Synaps KYC prepares projects for future regulations and helps them stay extremely compliant during a time when there is an increase in regulatory inquiries.

  • Efficiency: KYC/KYB checks enable committee members who handle tasks such as reviewing applications, distributing grants, and managing grantees to streamline their work.

  • Global checks: Synaps compiles data from national and international sources from current data records so grant programs can fund projects globally. Identity documents from 150 countries in 36 languages have been validated by Synaps to date

Our latest uses cases

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



Corporate onboarding

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



Corporate onboarding

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



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