Private sales: Prepare for a safe and secure launch

Private sales: Prepare for a safe and secure launch

May 19, 2023

private sales prepare safe secure launch
private sales prepare safe secure launch

ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) and private sales are often used as funding sources in web3. But identifying investors is not as easy as traditional IPOs (Initial Public Offerings). When fiat is not involved, there is no bank account to trace back to its owner. During a crypto private sale, it can be difficult to distinguish between UBOs and unregulated entities hiding behind their public keys and shell companies.

The Challenge

Protect your business by knowing your investors

Know who your investors are, verify that they have a clean record, and make sure they can afford to invest in the business. The identities of your LPs (Limited Partners) can be easily concealed by your VCs (Venture Capitalists). Past events have shown that crypto giants can fall into insolvency at any moment. This makes it all the important to keep these insolvent actors off your investor list.

KYB provides projects with detailed information on your investors' business structure and ID.

The solution

Assess risks and stay compliant

Needless to say, crypto is under the radar. It is now even more crucial to stay ahead of regulations. Regardless of how well you know your investors' business, compliance is inevitable. KYB ensures that your project can prove that your investors are not associated with money laundering and other acts of terrorism.

Identification extends beyond preventing illegal activities. It showcases that projects are built on clean, solid foundations and are in it for the long haul.

Our Achievements

  • Supported over 500 private sales

  • Helped raise over 5 billion through private sales

  • 95% verification reliability rate

From KYC provider

Synaps’ journey began in 2020 as a group of ambitious innovators who shared a groundbreaking idea — initiate a user-friendly KYC solution to simplify fundraising and access to investment on the Web3. The project was created with the vision to optimize and streamline the identification path, making connected communities a safer place. In addition to designing quality solutions, we are committed to providing solutions that meet the specific needs of the crypto market.

KYB with Synaps

Synaps is a crypto native verifier. Our team of experts examine businesses and Ultimate Beneficial Owners alike to proceed with corporate verification. With our solutions, investors can experience effortless and accessible verification with our simple and intuitive onboarding process.

Synaps’ KYC and KYB solutions are right for you if you are looking for:

  • Versatility: Synaps KYB is reusable and can be used for other community entries. Benefit from the online platform and simple checks, detailed reports, and automated identification processes

  • Global checks: You can rely on our current data records to check your potential investors. We compile our data from national and international sources so you can conduct private sales globally. Identity documents from 150 countries in 36 languages have been validated by Synaps to date

  • Compliance: Synaps KYC and KYB prepares projects for future regulations and helps them stay extremely compliant during a time when there is an increase in regulatory inquiries

Our latest uses cases

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



Corporate onboarding

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



Corporate onboarding

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



Private sales: Prepare for a safe and secure launch

ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) and private sales are often used as funding sources in web3. But identifying investors is not as easy as traditional IPOs (Initial Public Offerings).




private sales prepare safe secure launch

Private sales: Prepare for a safe and secure launch

ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) and private sales are often used as funding sources in web3. But identifying investors is not as easy as traditional IPOs (Initial Public Offerings).




private sales prepare safe secure launch

Private sales: Prepare for a safe and secure launch

ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) and private sales are often used as funding sources in web3. But identifying investors is not as easy as traditional IPOs (Initial Public Offerings).




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