The Quadratic Voting model: Transforming governance

The Quadratic Voting model: Transforming governance

Feb 6, 2023

Quadratic voting governance
Quadratic voting governance

In distributed governance models and online reputation systems, creating multiple wallets and impersonating multiple people is a barrier to trust-based digital systems. Likewise, Sybil attacks remain the biggest weakness of quadratic voting.

The challenge 

Implementing democratic voting systems

The quadratic voting system is designed to combat the majority-rule model and supports the strength of voters’ preferences. Fake or duplicate identities, however, can influence community-oriented decisions in their favor. For DAOs to run a quadratic voting system that is truly reliable, ensuring the uniqueness of every vote is fundamental. Creating an ecosystem that is truly fair requires a Sybil attack resistant solution that allows equal actions for all users.

The solution

PoP for a human-centered economy

Synaps’ Proof of Personhood (PoP) is a Sybil defense solution that allows users to prove their authenticity while preserving their privacy. Our solution identifies real and unique users from bots and implementing it would significantly improve the quality of votes in quadratic systems. PoP, therefore, contributes to scaling fair systems and in doing so, unlocks the true utility and potential of Web3. 

 Our Accomplishments

  • 15K+ Proof of Personhood created

  • 100% privacy preserving 

  • 99.5% uniqueness validation reliability rate

Learn how our PoP works 

Proof of Personhood with Synaps

Synaps integrates innovative data extraction capabilities, allowing users to prove their uniqueness effortlessly. Our solution’s fully automated process saves users a lot of time and effort for future community entries.

Synaps’ Proof of Personhood solution is right for you if you are looking for:

  • Privacy-preserving technology: Synaps PoP contains no biometric data and cannot be used to recreate someone’s face. Decrypting a face graph would result in a random sequence of alphanumeric symbols. By analyzing existing face graphs in the database, our AI detection and algorithms will affirm the user's personhood.

  • Convenience: A credential is created from the user’s PoP and acts as a validation stamp or digital signature. This will then be stored in the Anima dID protocol where users can safely manage all parts of their digital identity. Anima uses a crypto wallet as an authentication system that users can access as they please. 

  • Equal opportunities: Unlike existing consensus which require a hefty amount of funding, there is no charge to create a PoP with Synaps. Without economic mechanisms, every user has equal rights — moving toward a trustworthy community.

Our latest uses cases

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



Corporate onboarding

Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



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Streamline Your Corporate Onboarding

KYB checks are becoming the norm for new business partners to ensure compliance with regulations.



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The Quadratic Voting model: Transforming governance

In distributed governance models and online reputation systems, creating multiple wallets and impersonating multiple people is a barrier to trust-based digital systems.


Quadratic voting governance

The Quadratic Voting model: Transforming governance

In distributed governance models and online reputation systems, creating multiple wallets and impersonating multiple people is a barrier to trust-based digital systems.


Quadratic voting governance

The Quadratic Voting model: Transforming governance

In distributed governance models and online reputation systems, creating multiple wallets and impersonating multiple people is a barrier to trust-based digital systems.



